As an intercultural trainer my focus lies on values and attitudes as the basis for cultural different behavior. My book entitled “Dignity Respect Honour“ (2013) deals with values such as honour, face-saving, respect, shame and harmony – values we do not recognize how differently they are expressed in other cultures but which we face frequently in our multicultural daily life. The aim of this book is to communicate cultural knowledge that I see as a core factor for developing intercultural competence.
I published the book entitled “One couple, two cultures“ in 2015. I interviewed 25 intercultural couples to see how they managed their daily intercultural life. The book gives an in-depth insight into the core challenges and topics of binational relationships. It also contains a chapter on Christian/Muslim couples.
My publication entitled “Managing cultural diversity appropriately“ (2017) deals with how we handle our culturally diverse world of work in business, education and healthcare. Numerous excerpts from interviews conducted with managers as well as case studies are used to show situations which may occur in the world of managers, teachers, doctors and nursing staff, and offer possible solutions.
In the years 2022-2024, I worked on a book on the topic of ‘Biculturalism: Lost in Cultures? An unrecognised resource in our globalised society’ and conducted 50 interviews with bicultural and multilingual people. Planned publication date: autumn 2025.
Models and methods of developing and promoting intercultural competence are important tools in my work. I am an accredited Berlitz Cultural Consultant and licenced to work with the COA – Cultural Orientation Approach – which is an online test of personal cultural preferences. The results are the basis of any culture-specific training to work out cultural differences in relation to the target country.
In addition, I acquired the licence to carry out the IRC – Intercultural Readiness Check – which tests an individual’s intercultural competence. The results are discussed in follow-up intercultural coaching. I am also a qualified systemic coach.